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Western food and Chinese food also drink red wine, and the etiquette is different

TIME:2023-02-28POPULARITY:Author: 小编

the old saying goes, people depend on food . In the modern business field or banquet, the main forms are Chinese food and Western food, while Western food and Chinese food also need to be paired with red wine , but they have different etiquette . What are the differences? Today, we will share the brand LEESON red wine of Yuncang Winery.

Yuncang Winery has a multi-brand and multi-endorsement operation mode, inviting popular celebrities to attend or endorse their own products , and find spokespersons that match the brand's own image and tone , based on the star's story, personality , commercial value , and fans Create a series of content , select exposure channels , and plan events , such as portraits , to maximize the value of stars and help brand development , so as to gain the love and support of the public and create a good brand image. Increase product exposure and attract more potential users to understand the brand. Improve the credibility of the brand, shape the reputation of the brand, and drive potential users to trust the brand and buy it .


Different matching dishes: Chinese food is served in the order of soup , main course, staple food, table wine or fruit ; Fruit, house wine, main course, dessert and coffee. Then you know the difference in the order of serving dishes. When pairing red wine , Chinese food should first look at the staple food before choosing the matching red wine . In Chinese food, the dishes are the main food, and the wine is the supplement . If you are willing to drink it, it is a very normal thing . Even if you change the wine in the middle, you will not consider the factors of food and wine pairing. Although the staple food is also in the forefront of Western food, the choice of red wine is higher than that of Chinese food. You need to choose the staple food and wine together , or choose the wine first and then order the meal. Drinking red wine with western food is divided into pre-dinner aperitif , table wine, and after-dinner wine.

Different use of tableware: The tableware for Chinese food and Western food is different. The tableware for Chinese food is relatively simple , mostly cups, plates , bowls, saucers, chopsticks, and spoons . The tableware of Western food is varied , and different dishes use different knives and forks. The glass for drinking should not only correspond to the wine you drink , but also match the tableware. Therefore, when choosing red wine , you can choose to drink red wine in an ordinary glass for Chinese food, while for Western food you need to serve it with a professional red wine glass .


The brand LEESON Red Wine of Yuncang Winery continues to share the differences in toasting and toasting: Chinese food drinking likes frequent toasting and the pursuit of toasting , and there is nothing left in the glass ; Western food blessing toasting only uses champagne , not beer Or red wine in excess . Therefore, the clinking of glasses and frequent toasts that are so important in Chinese food , appearing in a high-end western restaurant with soft voices , snow-white tablecloths, and crystal goblets , I am afraid it is not so appropriate .