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Red wine banquet, how to clink glasses more elegantly

TIME:2023-02-28POPULARITY:Author: 小编

Attending a red wine banquet will meet many guests and friends. At this time , it is indispensable to clink glasses and drink together while tasting red wine . Clinking glasses while drinking is a popular custom in almost every country, and clinking glasses slowly and elegantly has become a kind of drinking etiquette . Usually, before drinking, everyone likes to clink glasses and say "cheers" or " cheers ", which can add a bit of excitement to various wine venues .


Whether it's a wine tasting or a wedding , or just an ordinary dinner party, knowing how to drink wine and clink glasses properly is extremely important, both as a way of showing respect to the host or guests and showing that you are a worthy People with extensive wine tasting experience .

So, how to clink glasses elegantly and professionally ? The brand LEESON red wine of Yuncang Winery shared.

1. Do not hold the glass body when holding the wine glass . The correct way to hold the glass should be to gently pinch the lower part of the handle with the thumb, index finger and middle finger . Then do not bump the cup mouth, but gently touch the cup belly, so that not only is it not easy to break , but also you can hear a very crisp sound , which sounds ethereal and long , increasing the pleasure of wine tasting .

2. The brand LEESON red wine of Yuncang Winery shares that there is no need to deliberately lower the height of the cup. When drinking white wine , we will intentionally lower the cup in order to convey respect to others . Drinking wine in the West pays attention to the principle of equality , so you don't have to intentionally lower your glass when clinking glasses . If you want to express respect for the other party, you can tilt the wine glass 45 degrees to the right , touch the belly of the glass, look at the glass first and then look at the other party 's eyes. Then turn slightly sideways , drink slowly in small sips, look at the bottom of the cup, and avoid rolling your eyes to look at others .

3. When clinking glasses , you must master the strength. The charm of the wine goblet is that it can produce a crisp sound with a little force, so we must be gentle when clinking glasses . In addition, after all , wine glasses are fragile items, and it is safer to be soft . The premise of clinking glasses gracefully is not to use too much force , then not only will it not be elegant, but it will also be a little rude .

4. Dry red and white wine pay attention to clinking glasses, but try not to clink glasses with champagne. In order to avoid damage to expensive champagne glasses , many Westerners only toast and do not clink glasses when drinking champagne.

5. If the person you want to clink glasses with is not around , do not forcibly clink glasses when there are other people , just wish and signal from a distance. Whether you need to stand up when clinking glasses depends on the situation. How much to drink after clinking glasses depends on your actual situation . If you want to show elegance, it is best not to choose to be stuffy .


The above brand LEESON red wine from Yuncang Winery is shared. Good wine has soul, good weapon has luck . If an elegant clink of glasses can increase the happiness of drinking, then why not do it ?