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When drinking red wine, what are the precautions for toasting?

TIME:2023-02-28POPULARITY:Author: 小编

Speaking of drinking wine, the etiquette of toasting is naturally inseparable. If you drink at home, you can drink freely. The brand LEESON red wine of Yuncang Winery shared that it is inevitable to attend social banquets in daily life, and mastering some practical toasting etiquette is not only a kind of politeness, but also leaves a good impression on people. Originally, China belongs to the country of etiquette, and using a toast well not only helps us understand the wine culture more, but also shows our self-cultivation.

So, when drinking red wine, what are the precautions for toasting?


The first is to clink the glasses. Do not touch the wine glass at the rim. The rim is the thinnest part of the wine glass. It is easy to break when touching this part. Therefore, the correct clinking should be at the belly of the glass, and a crisp sound can be heard. The level of clinking glasses is particular. In the traditional Asian Confucian culture, the distinction between respect and inferiority is very fine. When clinking glasses, the cup of the person with a higher generation should be placed on top, and the person with a lower generation should not surpass the person with a higher generation. If the other party thinks that you should be respected more, they will lower the wine glass. In the same way, if you are opposite a person who is respected by you, you should consciously lower the wine glass when clinking glasses, not exceeding the height of the other party. Or use the side of the wine to touch the front of the other person's glass to show respect.

The brand LEESON red wine of Yuncang Winery continued to share . Secondly, wine toasts do not need toasts, unlike white wines that pay attention to "deep feelings and a boring mouthful" to express respect for others. Wine is a drink that needs to be savored carefully. Toasting not only fails to appreciate the complex flavor of wine, but also makes it appear that one does not understand the common sense of wine drinking. It is appropriate to take a sip of wine, and then make eye contact with the other party, which is both decent and polite.

Third, the toast should be orderly, with a clear distinction between primary and secondary. Generally, the toast should be in order of age, position, and the identity of the guest and host. Before toasting, the order of toasting should be considered. Even if people you don't know well drink together , you should first inquire about their identities or pay attention to other people's names, so as to avoid unnecessary embarrassment when toasting. If there are elders, toast to the elders first.

Fourth, the toast sometimes sits, and sometimes everyone chooses to stand up. Whether the wine is toasted sitting or standing depends on the situation. If the toast is in the parlor before the meal , it can be done standing up . If there are fewer guests and you are dining , you can sit and toast. If there are more guests , you should stand up to toast so that the person being toasted can hear the toast . At the same time, if you are toasting the newlyweds , leaders or elders , you also need to stand up and toast.


The above Yuncang Winery’s brand LEESON red wine shared these are the precautions for wine toasting . Whether it is clinking glasses or toasting, the emphasis is on soothing and equality. Don’t deliberately put the glass too low, and don’t fill the glass. Don't get bored .

If you really want to show respect, then the most important thing is to respect the wishes of the other party, and never persuade you to drink, and don't fill the glass with wine. Because in the wine culture, wine is a precious gift from God to mankind, and it is only suitable for sipping .

It is understood that Yuncang Winery is affiliated to Hainan Yuncang Winery Co., Ltd., which is an online sales platform for traditional wine business, and is a member unit of China Wine Association. Yuncang Winery is a combination of Yuncang + winery. Cloud warehouse delivery, winery experience, online part of the traditional wine business, advocating offline tasting and offline purchase, you can also place orders online, and you can also pick up goods in batches Orders are shipped one by one, and dealers do not advocate hoarding except for wine for display and basic inventory, and the operation is flexible. Yuncang Winery has three major brands, including LEESON red wine ( LEESON ), Sapai red wine ( Bold & Generous ) and HOMANLISM .