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Have you ever heard that wine can "sick the bottle"? Alcohol also dizzy?

TIME:2023-02-28POPULARITY:Author: 小编

We have heard of motion sickness, seasickness, have you heard of wine bottle sickness? The brand LEESON red wine from Yuncang Winery shared that if the newly purchased wine is opened immediately, the wine will appear dull, the aroma will become slack, blocked, and the structure will be loose, and it will not be able to show its due aroma and flavor. In the jargon, it is the phenomenon of "bottle fainting" in wine.


Yuncang Winery is a combination of Yuncang + winery, that is, an online + offline wine sales platform. There are not only offline business entity wineries all over the country, but also online procurement. The concept of Yuncang Winery is: traditional business online, wholesale price of brand red wine. It has truly realized the transfer of traditional business online, offline experience and online ordering, and opened up a full-channel business model.

There is no authoritative scientific explanation for the "bottle faint" of wine, but what is certain is that after the wine is brewed and bottled, various compounds such as tannins and pigments in it will form a delicate structure between various molecular structures. If after a long period of transport bumping and tossing by sea, land and air, and then encountering high temperature, this "living" wine body is temporarily closed, which will break this balance for a short time, showing a state of bottle fainting.

Bottle fainting is generally divided into two situations. One is that the wine is shaken and shaken during transportation, causing "bottle fainting". In order to ensure the quality of the wine, some old vintage wines are often transported by air to reduce the transportation time. The other is that when bottling, the liquid of the wine is more combined with the oxygen in the air, which destroys the factors that combine the integrity of the wine during the brewing process. These factors also need a certain amount of time in the recovery process, so bottle fainting occurs. this phenomenon. However, "bottle fainting" is only a temporary phenomenon, not a defect of wine, and it is easy to solve. Just like a person who gets motion sickness can be relieved by calming down and resting, the same is true for wine bottle sickness, which can be recovered only by standing still.

The brand LEESON red wine from Yuncang Winery continued to share how to solve the "bottle faint" of wine?


Don’t rush to open the bottle after receiving the wine. The wine of the new vintage can be placed in the wine cabinet directly for ten days and a half months. Old wine is usually more delicate, you can put it upright in the wine cabinet, wait for ten days and a half months after the sediment has sank to the bottom of the bottle, then gently place it horizontally in the wine cabinet, and continue to stand for one or two moon.

If the wine encounters high temperature during transportation and the wine is over-oxidized, no matter how long it stands still, the wine will not be restored to its original appearance. From bottle sickness and self-recovery from bottle sickness, you can actually deeply appreciate the vitality of wine. It is by no means an exaggeration to call wine a liquid with vitality. So when you have a wine that has just gone on a long journey, don't open it for a while, that's not its normal state, let it rest quietly for a while and then open it. The above is shared by the brand LEESON red wine from Yuncang Winery.