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The LEESON red wine brand of Yuncang Winery shared that if the red wine is frozen, can it still be drunk?

TIME:2023-03-02POPULARITY:Author: 小编

Wine contains water and alcohol, most wines have around 13% alcohol , so the rest is water. Temperature is very important for wine. If it is kept at too hot temperature, it will accelerate its oxidation, and if it is too low, it will freeze the wine.

Wine that has been frozen into ice can still be drunk after thawing, but the quality of the wine will definitely be affected. Red wines are more affected by thawing than white wines.

If the wine is only slightly frozen, there will be a small amount of ice crystals in the wine, as long as it melts at room temperature, it will basically not have a great impact on the quality of the wine. Yuncang Winery's brand LEESON red wine shared that if the whole bottle of wine has turned into ice bumps, you have to wait for it to melt slowly for a long time, and do not use heating methods to avoid the bottle bursting. After the wine is completely melted, take a small amount to taste. If the taste is normal, you can drink it with confidence. If there is an unfriendly acid, just pour it out.

In addition, the volume of wine will expand after freezing, which is prone to cork bursting or even freezing and cracking of the bottle. If the cork expansion is serious, it is easy for air to enter the wine and oxidize it in advance, which will affect the wine. Even if there is no swelling or leakage, wine that has been frozen and thawed once will definitely lose its taste and taste. Even if it is acceptable, the level will not reach its own appearance.


Therefore, Yuncang Winery’s brand LEESON red wine should pay special attention to the transportation and storage of wine, neither to keep it in a high temperature state, but also to avoid freezing due to too low temperature.

It is understood that Yuncang Winery is affiliated to Hainan Yuncang Winery Co., Ltd., which is an online sales platform for traditional wine business, and is a member unit of China Wine Association. Yuncang Winery is a combination of Yuncang + winery. Cloud warehouse delivery, winery experience, online part of the traditional wine business, advocating offline tasting and offline purchase, you can also place orders online, and you can also pick up goods in batches Orders are shipped one by one, and dealers do not advocate hoarding except for wine for display and basic inventory, and the operation is flexible. Yuncang Winery has three major brands, including LEESON red wine ( LEESON ), Sapai red wine ( Bold & Generous ) and HOMANLISM .