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Can dry wine be served with Sprite?

TIME:2023-03-02POPULARITY:Author: 小编

As a sparkling drink, Sprite is sweet and slightly sour. Many friends like to drink it. Therefore, many friends like to drink it with Sprite in order to increase the sweetness of the wine when drinking dry wine. Therefore, many friends who are just getting started ask Lei Sheng sommelier, can dry wine be mixed with Sprite?

    Leisheng wine is the main wine brand of Guangzhou Wanhao Wine Co., Ltd., which is operated by Yuncang winery in the whole country. LEESON ( LEESON ) brand wine series has the honor to invite the famous director Mr. Zhang Jizhong as the brand spokesperson. Adopting a full series of overall brand form with multi-country procurement, multi-wine varieties, and multi-price ranges, LEESON wines can meet a variety of different consumption scenarios; , or high-end wine, providing consumers with choices at different prices; and based on multi-supplier purchases in different countries, it also provides consumers with blended dry red, single grape variety dry red, dry white, sweet white, brandy, etc. Wines with a variety of tastes and flavors are extremely perfect in terms of richness, and are still increasing in an orderly manner .

First of all, from the point of view and concept of wine tasting, it is not correct to mix wine with any beverage, which not only destroys the pure taste of wine, but also makes it impossible to taste the true flavor and taste of wine. In addition, the sweeter the drink with the higher the sugar content, the more it will affect the quality of the wine. Just imagine, what is the difference between dry red or dry white that has been mixed with Sprite for several thousand yuan and wine that is more than ten yuan? Therefore, if you want to really taste wine, it is better not to spoil wine worth hundreds or even thousands of yuan with a drink worth a few yuan.

Second, wine should be drunk neat and not mixed with any other beverages. Wine-savvy friends drink wine even in hot summer, and don’t even add ice cubes for fear of affecting the flavor of the wine, so that the drinking flavor of the wine can reach the best. If you add something like Sprite, Coke or other carbonated drinks, it is a waste and a sign of not understanding wine.


Third, wine mixed with beverages is bad for your health. Yuncang Winery's brand LEESON red wine shared that wine itself is a liquid containing alcohol. If it is mixed with other beverages, the sweetness will cover up the alcohol in the wine. If you are not careful, you will drink too much and increase your alcohol intake. If the amount is too high, not only will it not be able to enjoy the pleasure of drinking wine, but it will also have adverse effects on the body.

To sum up, no matter what kind of wine you want to drink, drink its own mellowness and unique flavor, and don’t mix it with other drinks.