IMPORTANT NOTICE:Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.

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Yuncang Winery Shows You About German Wines

TIME:2023-03-02POPULARITY:Author: 小编

Yuncang Winery's brand LEESON Red Wine Sharing Germany's wine-producing region is located at the northernmost tip of the world's wine-producing regions. Due to the cold climate, in order to fully ripen the grapes, the picking time is late, and the wine generally produced has low alcohol content. Germany is famous for brewing white wine, especially Riesling wine can be said to be unique. White wines account for 85% of German wine production, ranging from dry whites to sweet whites and even ice wines and noble rot wines .

Well-known wine producing areas in Germany include Moselle (one of the best white wine producing areas in Germany), Rheingau (the pioneer of dry white wine in Germany, Riesling is the dominant variety), Rheinhessen (the largest planting area and the most varieties diverse appellations), Baden (warmer appellation, the only appellation with more red than white wines).

There are two well-known wine varieties in Germany, namely Pinot Noir and Riesling. One is the main force of red wine and the other is the main force of white wine. Yuncang Winery's brand LEESON red wine sharing, especially Riesling, has played a very important role in making dry white or sparkling wine, whether it is ice wine or sweet wine . Therefore, if you are not familiar with choosing German wine, just remember the two main grape varieties, choose Pinot Noir for red wine, and Riesling for white wine.

Germany is also the hometown of ice wine. Because the brewing of ice wine has high requirements on the natural environment, so far, only Germany, Austria and Canada produce ice wine in the world.

German wine is generally divided into two categories, one is ordinary table wine, and the other is high-quality wine. Table wine is divided into daily table wine and regional table wine. The difference between the two is that as long as the wine is made from grapes produced in Germany, it can be called German daily table wine, while regional table wine is made from grapes that can only be used to make wine. from a wine region. High-quality wine is also divided into two categories, one is high-quality wine in a specific production area, and the other is high-quality high-quality wine. Generally, " APNr." will be marked on the high-quality wine label .

Yuncang Winery's brand LEESON red wine sharing If you don't understand the German wine target, you can look for the "Eagle" icon on the neck of the wine bottle when choosing wine, or see "APNr." behind the wine label In general, good German wines can be selected.


Yuncang winery entrepreneurship support : Yuncang + winery, wine entrepreneurship is simpler and has various forms, such as supermarkets, gyms, restaurants, hotels, car dealers, beauty salons and other cooperative store opening models + online private domain traffic to expand customer marketing, to achieve Low-cost, risk-free, high-income business. By moving the traditional red wine sales business to the Internet, while supporting the traditional way of opening stores offline, each dealer is provided with its own online mall, so that dealers can sell products online, and dealers have an online mall to provide convenient products. Display, ordering, statistics, customer management and other online services combine traditional business online and offline to realize the Internetization of traditional red wine sales business.

Label: Yuncang Winery