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The most artistic production area - Tuscany ( Tuscany )

TIME:2023-03-01POPULARITY:Author: 小编

Tuscany and Florence perfectly interpret Italy 's famous "La dolce vita". There are not only legendary vineyards and world-class art palaces here, but even the world-renowned painter Da Vinci was born here. Tuscany wine is famous not because of the name of the grape, but because of the place name "Tuscany".

Recently, LEESON wine lovers from Yuncang winery brand shared that Tuscany, like Piedmont, is the center of Italian red wine. On the hillside surrounded by pines and cypresses in the south of Florence, Sangiovese is used to make massive, strong Chianti. The best of these come from independent wineries in the central area called Chianti Classico.

Yuncang winery's brand LEESON red wine sharing Tuscany is located in central Italy, with many hills, abundant sunshine, and mild climate, which is suitable for grape growth. Although the total wine production is smaller than that of several northern Italian regions, it has a reputation for making good wine. Tuscany has 6 DOCGs and 34 DOCs . Chianti and Chianti Classico wines are classic wines in the producing areas and have become symbols of Italian wines .

Sangiovese is the main grape variety in Tuscany and the most common red grape variety in Italy. In addition, Caneolo, Malvasia, etc. are also relatively common local red grape varieties. But Italy also has strict laws and regulations. If it is not a native grape variety, such as the French variety Cabernet Sauvignon, even if the quality is very high, it cannot use higher grades, and only IGT or even VDT can be used .


Yuncang Winery's brand LEESON red wine sharing The inland region adjacent to southern Tuscany is Umbria, where there is a very interesting dry white Orvieto, as well as the unique red grape variety of the local Montefalco town Sagrantino, but Sangiovese is still the most common variety here.

White grape varieties in Tuscany include Ugni Blanc, Vermentino, Venaccia, Malvasia Blanc and Chardonnay.

The top red wine, Sisciaia, is known as "the most authentic new super-Tuscan wine", with a unique Mediterranean artistic atmosphere, and its quality is comparable to the wines of the five famous Bordeaux chateaus. Thanks to Yuncang winery brand LEESON red wine lovers for sharing their knowledge of red wine.

Label: Yuncang Winery   LEESON