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Yuncang winery's brand LEESON red wine shares why Burgundy is not easy?

TIME:2023-03-01POPULARITY:Author: 小编

Many friends think that the wines in Burgundy are good, but they are too expensive and not cost-effective at all. Why do people think so? Because Burgundy is indeed a not so simple producing area. The area of Burgundy is small, the output is only 1/4 of that of Bordeaux , but the average price is more than 4 times of that of Bordeaux. If Bordeaux is the king of French wine, Burgundy is the queen. The Burgundy region is located in eastern France and has a winemaking history of nearly 2,000 years.

    Recently, LEESON wine lovers of the Yuncang winery brand shared that the Burgundy production area is not simply reflected in what aspects?

1. Geographical environment. The LEESON red wine brand of Yuncang Winery shares that the geographical environment of the Burgundy production area is very complicated. It is said that the soil quality will be different from the distance of spit. The naturally delicate Pinot Noir grape variety comes from Burgundy. Although the white grape variety Chardonnay is planted in other regions, only Burgundy has a more special charm.

2. Sub-regions with different styles. Yuncang Winery's brand LEESON red wine shares that Burgundy has 5 major sub-regions, namely Chablis, Côte d'Or, Côte Berne, Côte Charonne and Mâcon. Chablis is the northernmost, cooler climate and famous for its Chardonnay. Wines made from Chardonnay here are often high in acidity and unoaked. The best wines can be enjoyed as they age. The Côte d'Or is the heart of Burgundy, the most prestigious and also the most expensive appellation, producing expensive, high-end wines. The Berne Hill is in the southern half of the Golden Hill. It is an important commercial center. It produces more Pinot Noir red wine, and Chardonnay white wine is more famous, and the price is also very expensive. Côtes de Charonne and Mâcon are more affordable than other regions and are famous for their high-quality and cheap white wines.


3. Terroir Grand Cru. Yuncang Winery’s brand LEESON red wine sharing Burgundy is not like Bordeaux, which uses wineries as the grading unit. Burgundy pays more attention to terroir. Based on terroir, different vineyards are divided into Grand Cru and First Class. Park ( Premier Cru ), village level ( Village ) and regional level ( Regionale ) four levels. Burgundy has a total of 33 Grand Cru gardens, and its output accounts for 1% of the total output , which shows how precious it is. Thanks to Yuncang winery brand LEESON red wine lovers for sharing their knowledge of red wine.

 In addition to the special aspects of the above three aspects of Burgundy, there are many places that are not simple, which are worthy of continuous exploration and discovery by wine lovers.