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What is the etiquette when drinking red wine with the leader?

TIME:2023-02-28POPULARITY:Author: 小编

Every festival or company dinner, or a wine table where leaders participate, how can you show that you understand workplace etiquette, so as to create a good interpersonal atmosphere? The brand LEESON red wine of Yuncang Winery shared.

1. Ask the leader to choose a drinking place. Whether you go to a bar, a western restaurant, or an ordinary restaurant, you have to let the leader choose, and it is always right to follow the leader's wishes. Even if the place chosen by the leader is unsatisfactory, it is better than him being dissatisfied with the place you choose.


2. Take the initiative to pay. The wine market is an extension of the workplace, and the wine market is also a time for leaders to test their subordinates. At this time, they must take the initiative to pay the bill. Most leaders will not let their subordinates pay the bill, but if you express your willingness, the boss will take a high look at your conduct. Even if the boss rejects your offer, your insistence on paying will make an excellent impression on him or her. If your boss really asks you to pay the bill, you don’t have to worry, it’s better for you, and paying the bill once to show your character will help you in the future.

3. Don't let yourself drink high. If the leader likes to drink freely, it is best to accompany him silently. You just need to control your alcohol intake, don't drink too much first, you will not be able to take care of the leader first, and second, if you drink too much, you will easily say wrong things and cause unnecessary trouble for yourself.

4. Do not talk about colleagues and work. At the wine table, people tend to open the chatter, and all kinds of topics will come up, but when the leader is present, it is better not to involve the topic of work. You can’t even gossip about a certain colleague. If you don’t talk about these topics well, you will lose points for yourself, and it will also make your boss feel that you are not a good person and love to gossip behind your back.

5. Don't socialize too late. Even if you are accompanying the leader, you must not forget the time to go home. Otherwise, you have just finished serving the leader here, and you have to deal with the dissatisfaction of your wife or husband when you go home. After all, no one wants their partner to always ignore the family for entertainment. Occasionally, once or twice is justified. If things go on like this, we still have to consider whether to participate in such a wine bureau. If the leader refuses to leave, when the drink is about the same, find a tactful excuse and go home quickly. Believe me, you will be grateful and relieved for your decision later.

The above brand LEESON red wine from Yuncang Winery is shared.


Advocating health: Yuncang Winery takes the lead in advocating the new trend of "civilized, healthy and rational drinking". Drinking is not for showing off, let alone for comparison, but to achieve a healthy and civilized consumption trend while obtaining spiritual satisfaction and sensory enjoyment. Whether it is a wide variety of red wines or unique white wines, we will bring ecological wines to consumers, provide partners with best-selling, long-selling, and profitable products; build a beautiful business platform for distributors, and create value for shareholders. Contribute responsibility to the society, be a conscientious enterprise, and sell quality wine.